When I have felt hurt, let me experience the stillness of peace.
When I have felt hate, let the unkind thoughts slow down and cease.
When I have felt criticized, let me see that it was not about me.
When I have felt confused, let me ask for greater clarity.
When I have felt powerless, let me remember God’s on my side.
When I have felt diminished, let love be my guide.
When I have felt disheartened, let memories of better times give me a lift.
When I have felt sad, let tears of relief be my gift.
When I have felt troubled, let me sense the deepest calm.
When I have felt angered, let me express it clearly, doing no further harm.
When I have felt resentment, let me seek forgiveness of self.
When I have felt sick, let me be restored to wholeness and health.
When I have been doubtful, remember that “faith” helps me cope.
When I have been depressed, let me be encouraged closer towards hope.
When I have been disrespected, may I find better ways to let it all go.
When I have been judged; accept that is their prerogative and decide to not deal another blow.
When I have felt stressed; take a long deep breath of relief.
When I have felt like a failure; affirm “inevitable success” as my belief.
When I have felt rejected, let a stronger connection to Source be my goal.
When I have felt in bondage, let me give myself freedom to feel the fullness, of my own blessed soul.
Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
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