I’d like to thank the people who’ve caused upset in my life, for without you I would never have walked into THE SOLUTION that has taken me straight to the opportunity of my dreams. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I CHOOSE THESE THINGS … I choose ease. I choose pleasure. I choose fun. I choose lightness. I choose peace. I choose to have faith. I choose to relax. I choose to trust my guidance. I choose to listen to the calling of my heart. I choose joy. I choose life. I choose laughter. I choose to go with the flow of whatever is currently active. I choose to allow negative momentum to dissipate naturally. I choose to find the benefits in absolutely everything. I choose to focus on the things that matter most to me … I choose me. I choose Life. I choose Love. Writing this list helped me get into closer alignment with how I want to feel. What things are you choosing today? ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
PLANNING FOR A HAPPIER NEW YEAR? Don’t wait for January to think about New Years Resolutions. Make some simple changes now and prepare yourself for better things. You might get benefit from rebooting your system, just like a computer needs a good reboot from time to time. Over the last 12 months I had tremendous success balancing my weight (that’s the positive way of saying that I’ve actually lost the weight of a small corgi – ha ha ha ha ha) and it all started by giving my body a shock. For example, instead of completely avoiding chocolate (which I’d done for years), I spent one day eating whatever the heck I felt like – and refused to feel guilty about it (this is key). My body sure noticed that something had changed and started eliminating the excess. In the same way, I think our lives need a bit of a shock sometimes too – and doing something different in one area of your life can effortlessly effect the others. A wise man once said to me, “If you think that your finances need to improve, it’s usually your relationship that needs attention! When you think that starting a new relationship will fix things, it’s usually work or finances that are the problem.” I’ve also found that if I’ve been trying to solve a problem for more than 15 minutes (or a week, a month, a year) and nothing has really shifted, I know it’s well and truly time to focus on something else. And you’ll know what I mean from your own experience, when you decided to get a new pet, or fall in love, or start an exciting business, or get focused on a hobby, or move house, or take a holiday – something shifts and improves the rest of your life too! Here are a few simple ways to GIVE YOUR LIFE A REBOOT without directly tackling a problem and trying to wrestle it to the ground: CHANGE the first thing you do every morning. CHANGE the last thing you do at night. CHANGE your attitude about something that matters (decide it’s a good thing instead of being bad). CHANGE the direction you sleep. CHANGE how you do a particular daily task. CHANGE the social media platform you spend most of your time on. CHANGE a silly old habit. CHANGE who you do things with. CHANGE the environment around you (tidy up, clean up, wash up.) CHANGE where you spend most of your waking moments. CHANGE your location (or your proximity to a problem.) CHANGE your posture (get up, look up, straighten your spine etc.) CHANGE your speed (slow down or go faster.) CHANGE which shoe you put on first. CHANGE your direction (take a different driving route – this makes you much more consciously aware.) CHANGE your clothes (it sure works for me.) CHANGE what you’re focusing on, right now! ~ With love, ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
GOOD THINGS HAPPEN NATURALLY The sun comes up every day, blood keeps coursing through our bodies, there’s an abundance of fresh air to breathe … The only way we stop good things from happening is by thinking about, talking about and focusing on things that are in direct conflict to what we really want to experience in our lives. Exhale the struggle … Breathe in the ease. Let go diminishing thoughts … Hold on to improved feelings. Move away from the problem … Turn towards the solution. Release the Resistance … Allow the Goodness. You’ve got this! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I CHOOSE MORE CLEARLY … with my feelings, not my words. I CHOOSE MORE WISELY … when I’m in the fullness of my heart, not when I’m reacting in my mind. I CHOOSE MORE SUSTAINABLY … when I’m open to a solution, not when I’m trying to prevent a problem. I CHOOSE MORE POWERFULLY … when I relax into the contrast, when I bless the events that brought me here, when I’m actively appreciating what I’ve already been given and when I’m keenly looking forward to the goodness, that’s still to come. I CHOOSE to thrive in all situations, against all odds and in all ways. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
YOUR DREAMS ARE PURE … When you pay too much attention to what you think other people are wanting, you lose sight of what’s possible for YOU to create. But, when you stay gently focused on YOUR dreams, doors open, pathways unfold, opportunities present themselves that you otherwise might not have imagined possible. ALIGN WITH “YOUR” DREAMS … not with someone elses dreams, not with their limitations, not with their way of doing things. YOUR dreams have incredible pulling power, to draw circumstances, events, opportunities and people that some may call coincidence, luck or fate, but you will know what it really is – the ability to stay faithful to what is certainly your birthright – to know real joy, real prosperity, real intimacy in relationships and a real mission that sings loudly to your soul. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I NEVER WALK AWAY FROM ANYTHING … Instead I decide to walk towards something so much more inspiring, fun, exciting, wholesome, peaceful, aligned, happy, magnetic, passionate, delicious, stimulating or exhilarating instead. YES! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I’ve just remembered that I don’t have to work harder to reach some ‘perfect‘ standard. What I really need to do, is stop condemning my ‘imperfections‘. Now that feels better! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Instead of wondering where the money goes … I’m just amazed at where mine comes from 🙂 That small shift in focus makes a huge difference. I love knowing that, don’t you? ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
IF YOU KNEW WHAT WAS COMING … you’d smile. You wouldn’t spend a minute hanging on to anything, even the good things. Feeling the need to hang on, creates resistance. Appreciating what you have in the moment and allowing things to gently shift with the ebb and flow of the tide stimulates your vibration to rise, with total faith that improvement is imminent, change is taking place and even more delightful things will move in to match what you’ve been wanting all along. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Instead of saying NO to something, try saying YES instead. YES THANK YOU … I attracted this. I can make peace with this. I can accept my part in this. I can relax about this. I can do something about this. I can let go and sense the relief in this. I can imagine a better outcome for this. I can feel my way through this. I can see the benefit in this. I can find better thoughts to think about this. I can get value from this. I can improve my attitude about this. I can enjoy aspects of this. I can expand gently through this. And when I’m ready I can say yes thank you, to the brilliant solutions that were here waiting for me all along. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I CAN CHANGE THE PAST … by giving the old unpleasant story a beginning, middle and ending that really lights my fire. ~ ER I CAN PROFOUNDLY INFLUENCE THE PRESENT … by not repeating any unhappy stories ever ever ever again. ~ ER I CAN DIRECT THE FUTURE … by telling a better story as if I’m already living it, happily ever after. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I WOKE UP THIS MORNING … and decided to have a magnificent day. ✴ I took a few really deep breaths and RELAXED my mind. ✴ I gazed out at the view and PRAISED the beauty of nature. ✴ I ate my breakfast mindfully and GAVE THANKS for the life-giving food. ✴ I thought about the people I love and APPRECIATED their presence in my life. ✴ I looked with deliberate intent at my body and noted all of its POSITIVE ASPECTS. ✴ I decided to STAY FEELING GOOD for as long as I could, and if I happen to fall out of my “happy place”, that’s OK, I know I can get right back up again tomorrow. Just enjoying the process. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
THE UNIVERSE IS RESPONDING TO MY VIBRATION. Some people give away their power and say, “God does it in his own good time.” I’ve joyously reclaimed MY part in all of this and say, “We do it together, when I’m aligned!” When Alignment is my priority, ALL things are possible. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
While we are individually born into different life circumstances, WE ALL HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES to decide what’s important, to choose an enriching attitude, to believe we can prosper, to seek greater wisdom, to ask for better conditions, to notice improvement, to acknowledge the natural benevolence of this universe, to find more clarity, to choose an inspiring life purpose, to define a personal mission to connect more fully to our own inner guidance and to follow our dreams to fulfilment. Oh yes. To see yourself or someone else as less fortunate, is to miss the true power of life granted to all of us, in each moment of every day. The freedom to choose again. I recently identified a number of significant areas that contribute to my sense of prosperity, wealth and freedom. They give me a good indication of what parts of my life are working and what aspects could use some fine tuning. RELATIONAL AFFINITY – The richness of your relationships with other people, staff, family, business associates, financiers etc. These define your ease of access to physical resources, financial assistance, mental upliftment and emotional support. EMOTIONAL INTEGRITY – The regular attunement to positive, life-giving emotions which are usually practised in daily rituals like meditation, exercise, dance, yoga, stillness, music, creative pursuits, journalling and any activity that connects you more fully to your Source Of Power, Infinite Intelligence and Aligned Inspiration. MENTAL WEALTH – Your accumulation of knowledge, research, planning, skills, experience etc that can be utilized at any given moment and put into action. PHYSICAL WELL-BEING – The fitness, health, respect and care of your body that largely determines mental acuity and how much you are able to actively do towards creating wealth for yourself and others now and into the future. FINANCIAL RESOURCEFULNESS – Ready access to money and assets that generate an exchange of energy/goods/services/property etc. VIBRATIONAL ABUNDANCE – The ability to allow the natural flow of goodwill from this benevolent universe. This can be measured by the underlying thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that contribute to how you feel, most often evident in your current physical manifestations, how much energy you have in each moment and your conversations about what’s “probable” for the future. ATTITUDINAL RICHNESS – How do you feel about wealthy people, powerful individuals, governments, multinational companies, political leaders, well paid actors/sports stars, CEO’S etc? Do you assume they are ripping people off, abusing their own power, rorting the system, too rich to care about others? Do you rally against them, speak badly about them, eagerly pass on negative gossip and voice your opinion publicly? OR do you accept, support, celebrate them and understand that they are human beings doing the best they know how too? INTENTIONAL FUTURE – Are you taking responsibility for your own health, happiness and prosperity now and into the future or are you relying on God, the Government or someone else to provide for you? SPIRITUAL PROSPERITY – A balance of all of the above along with having a sense of meaning, clarity, divine connection, purpose, worthiness, value and mission in life. Without this feeling, people suicide on a daily basis … what use is money then? I feel rich in so many ways! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - author of 500 Confessions
I’ve experienced a “massive increase in income” since January 4th 2019 – but I had to STOP focusing on income, revenue, money, wages, payments and things like that, in order to have it happen. You see, if I’ve been wanting something for a long time and it hasn’t happened yet, then I KNOW my energy / vibration is preventing it happening. I wasn’t because I wasn’t trying hard enough, being persistent enough, posting to social media enough, being in the right place at the right time enough … it was because I had activated the LACK OF MONEY for way too long, and it had simply become a habit. So here’s a quick summary of what I INCREASED instead: INCREASED self confidence. INCREASED the quality of what I said about myself, to myself or to others. INCREASED my fitness level. INCREASED my sense of freedom, by appreciating what I already have and forgetting about what I don’t. INCREASED my reputation. INCREASED the positive feedback I provided to the businesses I was already dealing with in some form or another. INCREASED the number of great suggestions I shared with them and welcomed them to use them whether they got me on board or not. INCREASED the number of times I said “No” (because if I said yes, it would have been out of “obligation / desperation” and when I checked in with my own guidance, it just felt better in my heart, to say a respectful no thanks instead). INCREASED the number of times I asked for help (I went to a masseur, to the doctor, to a physiotherapist and even to a psychologist for the first time in my life). INCREASED the number of times I gave myself permission to do absolutely nothing — WITHOUT THE GUILT! INCREASED the number of “Business Marketing Audits” I sent out (I actually only needed to send out two) … BUT, without expecting anything in return. I did it because I genuinely wanted those businesses to succeed, not for some anticipated payoff! INCREASED my experience in the industry. (I studied like a nutter, watching videos of people who had “appearingly” already succeeded, got an insight into how Google Ads really work and other things like that). INCREASED the time I took to quieten my mind (HUGE). INCREASED my energy. INCREASED my focus on being mainly with pets and people that bring me joy and lightness and pleasure. INCREASED my faith, that everything would work out WITHOUT me needing to “effort” my way there. INCREASED my skills. (I did a fun sales training refresher and enjoyed working on the floor of a major retailer selling a new luxury vacuum cleaner for a few months). INCREASED my bravado. (I saw a business on the brink of desperation and I got in and did the work that needed doing, without waiting for a contract or even for their agreement – it felt so good – and it not only felt good, after only a few days their results started to boom, and went higher than they’d ever been. Their results are my results, and the money started flowing easily as a result). INCREASED the support I gave to a client BECAUSE I WAS SO CONFIDENT I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING that I declared, “If it doesn’t work, you don’t need to pay me!” I believe this, is the way of the future. Now you beautiful, magical, creative being, these are just some of the things I INCREASED. These are things that worked for me. Please don’t follow them to the letter like some gurus might ask you to do. Feel your own inner guidance — and follow that! ❤ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Simple words comfort me a lot, especially if I’ve been focused on something that’s bothering me. When I catch myself in those moments, the best way to slow down the momentum is to have some “go to” phrases. This is one of my absolute favourites. Everything’s going my way! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Success is inevitable I’m relaxing into my day I am where I am and it’s all OK. Breathing in slowly and deeply Breathing out all the way Letting whatever is happening, be all OK. BE still for this moment FEEL a sense of satisfaction ALLOW new ideas and positive impulse, take me to inspired action. It’s good to reset energy That I once had in motion Connect to my Source and re-balance my emotion. At any moment now I can be surprised and delighted I AM ALWAYS BEING, DIVINELY GUIDED. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS