If something doesn’t seem to be turning out well for me… It’s likely that I’m creating resistance, facing an inner conflict, dealing with split intentions, sending out contradictory vibrations, and the list goes on. In other words, the way I’m asking the Universe/God to provide is activating both…
“What I DON’T Want”
along with
“What I DO Want.”
Common Advice That’s Often Given:
To break free from this cycle, focus on activating alignment:
- Ease into Clarity: Lean toward general thoughts like, “I want to feel ease,” or “I trust things are working out for me,” or “Things have always worked out before.”
- Shift Focus to Feeling: Spend more time basking in the feelings I associate with the manifestation—freedom, joy, peace—without worrying about the ‘how.’
- Release the ‘Don’t Want’: Gently redirect my attention to the solution or positive aspect when I notice myself dwelling on the unwanted.
But What If… This All Makes Perfect Sense (and maybe it’s even helped me out before), but I still feel like crapola???
Well, I’ve just had to dip into my own infinite well of wisdom to find the answer, right there on the pages of Attitudes That Matter, and the Empowered Women’s Way to Reboot Your Life. So I’m adding this section here just in case it is the missing link for you too.
Here are a few simple, savvy, and effective ways to give your life a reboot without facing a problem head-on. Trying to tackle a problem when we aren’t ‘in the zone’ just adds fuel to the fire and creates more resistance.
When you need to get out of a rut, you know you need something to change. But most people think it takes big changes to get results, when in fact, it’s the small things we do on a daily basis that when altered, begin to re-wire the pathways in our brain, paving the way for sustainable change.
The positive improvements these simple, psychological, adaptations can make to your life, are truly transformational. Once you become aware of the benefits, there’s no going back:
- CHANGE the first thing you do every morning.
- CHANGE the last thing you do at night.
- CHANGE your attitude about something that matters (decide it’s a good thing instead of being bad).
- CHANGE the direction you sleep.
- CHANGE how you do a particular daily task.
- CHANGE the social media platform you spend most of your time on.
- CHANGE a silly old habit.
- CHANGE who you do things with.
- CHANGE the environment around you (tidy up, clean up, wash up.)
- CHANGE where you spend most of your waking moments.
- CHANGE your location (or your proximity to a problem.)
- CHANGE your posture (get up, look up, straighten your spine etc.)
- CHANGE your speed (slow down or go faster.)
- CHANGE which shoe you put on first.
- CHANGE your direction (take a different driving route – this makes you much more consciously aware.)
- CHANGE your clothes (it sure works for me.)
- CHANGE what you’re focusing on, right here, right now!
When shifting my thinking (MENTAL), noticing my feelings (EMOTIONAL), or even meditating to connect spiritually (SPIRITUAL), weren’t working, the link for me today was to change something PHYSICAL Simple things like putting a different shoe on first, or sleeping in a different direction etc. can make a huge difference. They don’t even need to relate to anything I’m going through, they just, “Begin to re-wire the pathways in our brain, paving the way for sustainable change.”
How about that? The magic lies in checking in with all my HUMAN DYNAMICS—Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual. By doing so, I’m not just shifting my energy—I’m connecting to the whole of myself, and, lighting up the brightest beacon, for all the Universe to follow. ✨
With so much love,
Elizabeth xox

Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
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