It’s been a long time since I set measurable goals and the only time I ever do that these days is if I’m buying another property; home is where my heart is and I can easily get specific about those details and stay in my ‘happy place’ without injecting doubt or questioning how it might happen.So writing a list of feelings or emotional states I’d like to experience more of is a bit of fun and it elevates my vibe, with a tendency to manifest effortlessly—and adding a little humour to it makes it work even better. Here’s my latest list:Keep reminding myself that I am THAT person: good enough, capable enough, brilliant enough, worthy enough, and basically an unlimited version of my whole self. (Move over Universe—now I’ve got this.)Affirm daily that I’m enchanting, valuable. magical, and magnetic—because HELLO, I am Source Energy in a physical body, and I get what I want. (Without question.)Trust the vibes. The answers, solutions, and next-level fun will show up. My only job? Don’t overthink it… just follow the feeling.Find my playful calm state. Create my own inner spa moments—except with less work and more bliss-on-demand.Be in my power and show myself what I’m capable of, and do it simply for me. (Shine bright like a diamond.)Stretch into alignment as I calibrate up the emotional scale, and make it my new normal. (Ahhh, that feels so good.)Move forward like I own the place. Blissfully. Boldly. Probably wearing white. Definitely with sass.Feel into my glorious future, because it’s already mine. And, it looks AMAZING with perfect hair days, and a dream life of even more ease and flow.)Win at life. What’s the prize? Oh, just joyful play, greater abundance, and everything I ever wanted. Pretty cool.Live and Love on the leading-edge like the beautiful, creative woman I am. (This is where the magic happens. It’s also where the good snacks are!) Happy New Year 2025 ~ Elizabeth xoxP.S. Tell me one thing that’s on your list? Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Closing my eyes. Slowing everything right down. Noticing the gentle vibration of my heart beating in time with the earth. Listening for rhythmic sounds that soothe me even more. Sensing that nothing really matters. Not needing anything to be different. Seeing the light in my minds eye. Turning towards it in the stillness. Following the warmth. Appreciating the deepest relief. Settling into the peacefulness. Feeling the love. Melding with the softest bliss. Knowing the wholeness and perfection of life just as it is. Aligning with the harmony of it all. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
The universe knows what I want, without me even asking. I can feel the connection when I’m appreciating what’s on its way to me, and I can feel a disconnect when I’m complaining about what I’ve got.So I’m being thoughtful about what I’m focusing on today. What about you? ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Things happen all the time, but I don’t have to change the circumstances, I just decide how significant I want them to be in the whole scheme of my life. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
If something doesn’t seem to be turning out well for me… It’s likely that I’m creating resistance, facing an inner conflict, dealing with split intentions, sending out contradictory vibrations, and the list goes on. In other words, the way I’m asking the Universe/God to provide is activating both…“What I DON’T Want” along with “What I DO Want.”Common Advice That’s Often Given:To break free from this cycle, focus on activating alignment:Ease into Clarity: Lean toward general thoughts like, “I want to feel ease,” or “I trust things are working out for me,” or “Things have always worked out before.”Shift Focus to Feeling: Spend more time basking in the feelings I associate with the manifestation—freedom, joy, peace—without worrying about the ‘how.’Release the ‘Don’t Want’: Gently redirect my attention to the solution or positive aspect when I notice myself dwelling on the unwanted. But What If… This All Makes Perfect Sense (and maybe it’s even helped me out before), but I still feel like crapola???Well, I’ve just had to dip into my own infinite well of wisdom to find the answer, right there on the pages of Attitudes That Matter, and the Empowered Women’s Way to Reboot Your Life. So I’m adding this section here just in case it is the missing link for you too.Here are a few simple, savvy, and effective ways to give your life a reboot without facing a problem head-on. Trying to tackle a problem when we aren’t ‘in the zone’ just adds fuel to the fire and creates more resistance.When you need to get out of a rut, you know you need something to change. But most people think it takes big changes to get results, when in fact, it’s the small things we do on a daily basis that when altered, begin to re-wire the pathways in our brain, paving the way for sustainable change.The positive improvements these simple, psychological, adaptations can make to your life, are truly transformational. Once you become aware of the benefits, there’s no going back:CHANGE the first thing you do every morning.CHANGE the last thing you do at night.CHANGE your attitude about something that matters (decide it’s a good thing instead of being bad).CHANGE the direction you sleep.CHANGE how you do a particular daily task.CHANGE the social media platform you spend most of your time on.CHANGE a silly old habit.CHANGE who you do things with.CHANGE the environment around you (tidy up, clean up, wash up.)CHANGE where you spend most of your waking moments.CHANGE your location (or your proximity to a problem.)CHANGE your posture (get up, look up, straighten your spine etc.)CHANGE your speed (slow down or go faster.)CHANGE which shoe you put on first.CHANGE your direction (take a different driving route – this makes you much more consciously aware.)CHANGE your clothes (it sure works for me.)CHANGE what you’re focusing on, right here, right now!When shifting my thinking (MENTAL), noticing my feelings (EMOTIONAL), or even meditating to connect spiritually (SPIRITUAL), weren’t working, the link for me today was to change something PHYSICAL Simple things like putting a different shoe on first, or sleeping in a different direction etc. can make a huge difference. They don’t even need to relate to anything I’m going through, they just, “Begin to re-wire the pathways in our brain, paving the way for sustainable change.”How about that? The magic lies in checking in with all my HUMAN DYNAMICS—Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual. By doing so, I’m not just shifting my energy—I’m connecting to the whole of myself, and, lighting up the brightest beacon, for all the Universe to follow. ✨With so much love,Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
IT’S TIME TO ENJOY LIFE MORE … to smell the flowers, to bask in the sunshine, to soak up the atmosphere, to breathe deeply the freshest of air … to laugh about nothing, to find beauty in contrast, to sense the true essence of others, to relax and remember that the world will keep turning, the birds will keep singing, my heart will keep beating whether I do this now, or not. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Energise Your Spirit, Awaken Your Wisdom, and Let Your Natural Light Shine.I sometimes search for reasons why my life or business isn’t going as well as I’d hoped. Maybe I’ve been told to expand my social media presence or wondered if buying another training program or attending a personal development seminar might help. I could find myself thinking that unresolved resistance, past traumas, or limiting beliefs are holding me back. I might even assume it’s because I haven’t been volunteering in my community, started a charitable foundation, or tithed recently—or, even more overwhelming, that setting and achieving endless goals is the solution. Phew…But let’s come back to simplicity. Life is meant to be easy, fun, and energising. Here is the best advice I have ever received, and here’s why it’s tailored specifically for you too.YOU are your own Answer. There is at least one area in your life where you excel, whether it’s creating, connecting, cooking, relationships, business, spirituality, family, finances, wellness, manifesting, mentoring, teaching, or something else. Take a moment to reflect on what makes you successful in that area. What’s your process? Now, apply that same wisdom to any other area you’d like to improve. You’ve got this. It’s so much easier than you think!And, just in case you haven’t heard it yet today…You are magnificent.Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I DON’T NEED TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN …Life gets so much easier every time I STOP trying to “make” something happen (as a result of the past) and start focusing on what I want and why I want it (creating into the future).If things haven’t been going the way I’d like them to, there’s always another road to take me towards my desires.When I Trust it will be shown to me, have Faith that the Universe will provide, a better way is then pre-paved so well, I can sit back in awe and just enjoy the ride. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I can always find a way to come back into my power.This morning it happened in an interesting way, when I decided spontaneously to allow myself a special treat … a deliciously decadent iced mocha! The next thing I knew, I was back in my happy place. It wasn’t the treat that did it – it was because I’d finally stopped resisting doing lovely things just for me! ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
There are moments I can’t respond with love, because I’ve moved so far away from my peaceful centre … but that’s OK! I allow myself to respond in whatever way feels appropriate in that moment and then move step by step towards love once again. I know that …Revenge feels better than powerlessness. Anger feels better than depression. Blame feels better than guilt. Being negative feels better than being worried. Getting laid is probably one of the best remedies of all … (lol) … and finding something to laugh about beats everything. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I ASK TWO VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS … I don’t need a book, another seminar, a life coach, or a guru to tell me what to do. I find the best answers on my own, inspired by a sudden impulse to explore love, a nudge to dive into a new (or even an old) business idea, or the excitement of fully embracing my own amazing life. When I stopped seeking the popular answers and gave up asking others what they thought I should do, I finally heard my own unique and heartfelt truth by asking myself two very important questions:What is it that I really want?How will that make me feel?…But I don’t stop there. If what I think I want just makes me feel good, I know I can aim higher! So I ask again and keep refining my answer until it makes me feel phenomenal. THAT, right there, is personal expansion—the EASY way!~ Elizabeth xoxP.S. Let me know in the comments if this resonated with you. I love hearing which parts of my musings help lift others higher! Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Life keeps improving, technology keeps, advancing, the universe keeps expanding, bodies keep adapting, nature keeps evolving … so it makes perfect sense to look forward, to the next delightful surprise that will show up to please you too. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Three things to STOP saying when you’re in the middle of contrast.1. Oh no, not this again, I hate going through contrast. (Hating) 2. I’ve done something wrong again and I can’t seem to get my life to work. (Shaming} 3. That person is doing that same thing again and they should change. (Blaming)BLESS THE CONTRAST … it’s a good thing AND the best preparation for the next phase of your life – guaranteed. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
GOOD THINGS HAPPEN NATURALLYThe sun comes up every day, blood keeps coursing through our bodies, there’s an abundance of fresh air to breathe … The only way we stop good things from happening is by thinking about, talking about and focusing on things that are in direct conflict to what we really want to experience in our lives.Exhale the struggle … Breathe in the ease.Let go diminishing thoughts … Hold on to improved feelings.Move away from the problem … Turn towards the solution.Release the Resistance … Allow the Goodness.You’ve got this! ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
IF YOU KNEW WHAT WAS COMING … you’d smile. You wouldn’t waste a moment clinging to anything, even the good things. The need to hold on creates resistance.By appreciating what you have in the present and allowing things to shift naturally—like the ebb and flow of the tide—you raise your vibration. With complete faith, you trust that change is happening, improvement is on its way, and even more wonderful things are lining up to match what you’ve wanted all along. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I HAVE NO NEED TO FIGHT … I would lay down my words peacefully so you can feel better. I have no need to hold grudges … I would place what’s happened in the past and leave it there where it belongs. I have no need to “be right” … inside my soul lies the truth that holds my integrity intact and leaves you the space to discover your own. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I’ve just remembered that I don’t have to work harder to reach some ‘perfect‘ standard. What I really need to do, is stop condemning my ‘imperfections‘.Now that feels better already! ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
It’s not my job to make the money, to seek the right path, to prove my worthiness, to make my mate happy, to earn my way to riches … it’s my job to line up my energy, to feel really good, to remember my connection, to allow natural improvement and to attract the things that were created instantly, the very moment I realized I wanted them. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I CAN HAVE IT JUST BECAUSE I WANT ITI don’t need to justify it, I don’t need to tell anyone else about it, I don’t need to prove I’m worthy of it, I don’t need to get others to agree about it, I don’t need to make a vision board, focus upon it intently, pay someone to help me achieve it or even work hard to get it.I asked. It’s done. Welcome to my world. Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
THE QUICKEST WAY TO FEEL PASSIONATE AGAIN … is to give all I’ve got to give, even of it means I might get hurt, fail, cause conflict, face contrast, die or lose my soul.When I was too afraid to live life fully I was so emotionally disconnected, I may as well have been dead. Now as I fill myself up to overflowing, I have more value to contribute, more heightened emotions to feel and more joy expanding experiences to live, than ever before. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Instead of saying NO to something, try saying YES instead.YES THANK YOU … I attracted this. I can make peace with this. I can accept my part in this. I can relax about this. I can do something about this. I can let go and sense the relief in this. I can imagine a better outcome for this. I can feel my way through this. I can see the benefit in this. I can find better thoughts to think about this. I can get value from this. I can improve my attitude about this. I can enjoy aspects of this. I can expand gently through this.And when I’m ready I can say yes thank you, to the brilliant solutions that were here waiting for me all along. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Simple words comfort me a lot, especially if I’ve been focused on something that’s bothering me. When I catch myself in those moments, the best way to slow down the momentum is to have some “go to” phrases. This is one of my absolute favourites.Everything’s going my way! ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Success is inevitable I’m relaxing into my day I am where I am and it’s all OK.Breathing in slowly and deeply Breathing out all the way Letting whatever is happening, be all OK.BE still for this moment FEEL a sense of satisfaction ALLOW new ideas and positive impulse, take me to inspired action.It’s good to reset energy That I once had in motion Connect to my Source and re-balance my emotion.At any moment now I can be surprised and delighted I AM ALWAYS BEING, DIVINELY GUIDED. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
GOOD THINGS KEEP HAPPENING … even if you’re not fully aligned, even if you’ve made some mistakes, even if you’re not yet high and happy, even if you’ve temporarily lost your mojo, even if you’re not at the peak of your game, even if you’ve attracted something confronting, even if you’re not feeling loving or connected or clear.Good things keep happening, without needing to do anything at all.Relax and allow. Relax and allow. Receive the benefit now! ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I’VE STOPPED PRAYING AND PRAYING FOR THE SAME THING … because, that’s like saying, “I’ve asked, but it seems you haven’t heard my prayer!”FAITH IS … trusting what I’ve asked for is done! Then relax about that topic, go about my regular day and just let it come. And it always does, one way or another.Love Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
The sun rose this morning and not one of us needed to pay for it, not one of us needed to run a promotion about it, not one of us needed to visualize it, not one of us needed to make it happen.Good things happen naturally … if we just allow them. ~ Elizabeth xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I found the secret to an enchanted life … Get happy BEFORE something good happens, then it turns out even better. ~ ER xox Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Want to feel a bit better than you are feeling right now?STOP focusing on the problem. That just makes it bigger. Even looking for a solution to a problem is still activating the energy of the problem.So I like to change the energy entirely.Then, once I start to feel better I can confidently throw myself into the day, knowing full well that I can handle anything that might come my way. If I need a helping hand to get there, I do this simple process and talk about what I prefer to happen instead. Here’s an example …I’D RATHER TRUST THE PROCESS … than doubt a favorable outcome. I’D RATHER EXPECT THE BEST … than plan for the worst. I’D RATHER RELAX … than worry. I’D RATHER FIND HAPPINESS NOW … than wait for things to change. I’D RATHER DEMONSTRATE HOW I LIKE TO BE … than give advice on what someone else should do. I’D RATHER EAT FOR PLEASURE … than starve my soul. I’D RATHER FEEL BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE … than care about how others think I look on the outside. I’D RATHER RETREAT IN SILENCE … than act in anger. I’D RATHER OPEN MY HEART … than close my mind. I’D RATHER BELIEVE EVERYONE HAS GOOD INTENTIONS … than question their motives. I’D RATHER CHANGE MY ATTITUDE … than change the world. I’D RATHER FIND PEACE INSIDE … than fight to prove I’m right. I’D RATHER LOVE. ~ ERFocus on something that makes your soul come alive instead … then you won’t need to fix or change anything at all … any issues will cease to exist in those moments And one moment expands to more … until one day you realize, you didn’t even need to look for a solution, the solution found you. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
When someone is feeling “off”, trying to change them, fix them or save them is an indication I’m NOT embracing my own imperfections.Allowing them to just BE and remembering who they really are inside, let’s me know that I’m trusting the process of life to naturally guide us all towards the light, towards our own truth and towards being again the incredibly loving person, who lives in the heart of everyone. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
What would happen if you were to think more about WHAT YOU REALLY WANT? I compiled this short list below of “What People Want” out of a book by Vic Schwab. I wonder which items on this list strike a cord with you.“What People Want”Better health, relief from pain, greater strength, suppleness, vigor, endurance, the possibility of a longer life; the company of like-minded people; more money for spending, saving, and giving to others; greater popularity; improved appearance, beauty, style, physical build, cleanliness. Security in old age, independence, praise; more comfort, ease, luxury, convenience; more leisure time for travel, hobbies, rest, play, self- development, etc. Desire to do things well; business advancement, better job success, be your own boss, social advancement, social acceptance; increased enjoyment from entertainment to food, drink, and other physical pleasures. People also want to be good parents, have influence over others, be social, be hospitable, be adventurous, express their true personalities, satisfy their curiosity, be up to date, appreciate nature, be proud of their possessions and accomplishments, be creative, be efficient, be first in things, improve themselves mentally, be recognized as authorities, and feel connected …One thing I talk about a lot, is feeling good. That’s the underlying reason for everything we want; we believe it will make us feel better if we have it.So I’m taking a short cut and going straight for the “good feeling” and thinking more about What I Really Want right now … and I’m planning ahead as well.MY NEW LIFE PLAN:I plan to be HaPpy and follow my BliSs.Yep, that’s pretty much it. ~ ERWhat are you planning for? Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS