Business owners often come to me with firm ideas of how they want their marketing done, but the more successful these “feel good” techniques prove themselves to be, the more often I find myself saying to them, “NO, let me do the job I do best, then decide if it’s right for you.” To this date, not one of them has gone back to those old outdated methods that are so “salesy” they make you cringe and switch off.
When you want to invite a friend over for dinner, you don’t go into some rigmarole like this and say,
1. “What’s the biggest dietary challenge you’re currently facing?”
2. “What happens if your hunger pains are left unchecked?”
3. “What’s been preventing you from relieving that pain?”
4. “How would coming over to my place for dinner solve the problem?”
Instead, you might show them a picture of the tasty food you’re planning on cooking, then say, “Hey, dinner at my place on Saturday. Want to come? Let me know by tomorrow ok?”
Treat every piece of marketing
as if you’re talking to a potential friend,
not to someone you need to convert!
That method is ineffective and so 1990’s!
You want to ATTRACT people, not sell to them.
You want to DRAW more energy in, not push so much energy out.
You want to INVITE them, not make them feel pressured to respond.
You want to create MYSTERY, not overwhelm them with marketing spiel.
You want to let them know that THEY MATTER, not feel like you’re better than they are.
You want to AROUSE their curiosity, not bombard them with an overload of information.
You also want them to FEEL GOOD, not think that they are inadequate in some way.
When you give people something
that makes them feel better,
you both WIN.
There’s no going back!
Here’s a great example. I am thrilled by the “feel good” nature of the video above, which I was up way after 2am this morning editing until I was satisfied with the result. No business owner or entrepreneur needs to prove they have any more credibility than what this provides. You no longer need a long sales page with pain points, ways to overcome objections and clever languaging — this does it perfectly.
If your business has the capacity to grow, I have developed a unique set of techniques that guarantee a 70% revenue boost in the first quarter. I think that almost every Australian Business/Entrepreneur can achieve such results with a bit of insight, intelligent planning and “feel good” action. Want me to help you improve something too? Send a message and I’ll see what I can do.
What Would YOU Like To Improve?