As quite a few of us are getting into the swing of playing “This Month I’m LETTING GO”, it reminded me that it’s much more sustainable if we find something to HOLD ON TO as well.
- If we want to let go a few kilos – hold on to getting fitter or stronger.
- If we want to let go something that’s been a struggle – hold on to ease or peace.
- If we want to let go negative thoughts – hold on to quietening the mind for a while.
- If we want to let go a relationship – well, just read the poem below …
DON’T JUST TRY TO LET GO … say hello, to something improved, something more than before, something shiny and new … because that’s what the Universe is lining up for you!
Letting go, is giving your attention to the past.
Focusing forward, ensures the transformation will last!
Talk endlessly about what you really want now,
think about “why”, but, forget the “how”.
Our task is to ask,
then trust we’ll be inspired,
to the actions that harmonize,
with our most important core desires.
We were all born with guidance; knowing when something feels right,
if it’s been more like a struggle, you’re ready to give up the fight.
What causes the suffering is when you close down your heart,
if you’ve been holding someone at fault, don’t tear yourself apart …
… you see your own inner being loves this person just as they be,
and that’s the conflict right there, if you disagree.
Relationships are eternal, they weren’t meant to end,
in fact, we really can’t break them, we can only pretend …
… that the other has wronged us in ways unforgivable,
set yourself free; do those things again that made life together, so joyously liveable.
Remember the Love you happily gave right at the start?
That was really a gift to yourself … so just re-open your heart! ~ ER
Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
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