Would you like to play “This Month I’m Letting Go” with me?
It’s a game inspired by the teachings of Abraham, to help us release the resistant vibration that’s been holding back the things we want, from coming to us easily.
1. Whether we would like more money, a house, a relationship, a health cure, a career change, or to fix a specific problem in our lives — we just LET IT GO for the rest of this month.
2. We trust that it’s in our vortex — and we simply RELEASE THE URGENCY for the condition to change right now.
3. We do our best to move away from that troublesome topic — and GIVE IT TO THE UNIVERSE TO MANAGE for the next few weeks.
4. Rather than stressing about, focusing on, trying to find solutions for or strategizing about that particular thing — we decide to enjoy ourselves and BASK IN THE GOOD FEELING WE PREFER TO FEEL instead.
5. If we find ourselves thinking about that thing again — we just gently release it for now and PIVOT BACK TO A BETTER FEELING THOUGHT.
6 We also acknowledge that we are completely FREE to pick up the problem again next month if we choose to do so — OR NOT!
Want to join in?
Send a reply message if you’d like to play along and tell me if there’s something I can do to support you in having even more fun with this game. ~ ER
P.S. It also made me think about one of my Confessions
and I gave up all struggle,
I gave up all resistance,
I gave up all complaining,
I gave up all contradictory thoughts,
I gave up all limiting beliefs,
I gave up all dis-empowering attitudes,
I gave up all need to control,
I gave up wanting other peoples approval, permission or understanding &
I gave up my incessant need to explain or justify who I am, what I’m doing & where I am at.
I NOW ALLOW … things to be easy, to go with the flow, to think well of myself and others, to only repeat beliefs that give each of us freedom to be who we choose to be, to hold attitudes that serve my expansion, to relax more, to trust my feelings to guide me, to be true to myself, to have faith that everything that occurs is leading me home, to an even grander version of love. ~ 500confessions.com

Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
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