Who paid for the sun to keep shining, for the fresh air that we breathe, the rain that waters our planet, the magnificent body we’ve been given, our powerful mind that keeps on expanding, the earth with its bountiful riches or our enchanting heart that keeps beating? None of us. The creator considered us worthy even before we began and calls us home with the same great gusto with which we arrived. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I don’t believe in effort – I use alignment. I don’t work hard – I prefer to play – and then let Law Of Attraction take care of my day.With TRUST in my own internal guidance. With FAITH in a benevolent universe. With JOY most often found in light-heartedness. With GREAT APPRECIATION for what I’ve already been given. With LOVE of self that so easily overflows on to others. With PASSION to do the things that spins my wheels the most. With CERTAINTY that the right, the perfect, the most fun path will continue to unfold. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I’m thankful for the satisfaction and happiness I find in living a simple life. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Trying to change others is a destructive pattern that slowly erodes trust, pushes people away, reduces respect, closes the door to passion, fosters dependency and depletes our most powerful ability to stimulate someone elses “best side” by holding them in the highest esteem.A more fulfilling purpose for my life is to love unconditionally, grow gracefully, contribute quietly, explore the greatest strengths in each individual, laugh lots, stimulate good feelings, inspire hope, build people up and soothe their souls. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I can feel you right here with me, in the cells of my body, in the fluttering in my chest, in the stillness of the morning air, in the joy of life itself. Breathing deeply into the oneness, is all I ever need do, to open to that sweet surrender, where ripples of love keep cascading through.I can sense your hand gently caressing and tenderly touching my skin, warming the essence of my heart whose beating won’t give in. You bring with you blissful calmness, awakening sensually warm desire, igniting powerful passion and setting my soul on fire. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
OPENING UP TO A DIFFERENT KIND OF LOVE ~ Loving our friends is easy, accepting the people we approve of is easy, understanding those who have similar values is easy … but the greatest gift we ever give ourselves is when we open our hearts to our enemies, when we accept those who make different choices, when we decide we no longer need to control the people we don’t understand and choose to love the person we know inside they really are! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
IT DOESN’T MATTER What You THINK or SAY or DO … I’m happy and I love you. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I DON’T QUESTION MY DECISIONS … The immense power of any decision, is when I stay aligned with it … not to entertain doubt, not to to speak of failure, not to question how it might happen … and to know that ALL universal forces join with me in creating momentum forward, no matter what I’ve asked for.I DON’T QUESTION MY DECISIONS … I just stay faithful to them. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I’m welcoming another day … of infinite possibilities! Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I EXPECT THE BEST … and I get it.Not because I deserve it more than anyone else (we all get what we think we’re worth), not because I’ve worked hard for it (I don’t work at all, in fact I play all day),I GET THE BEST BECAUSE:I BELIEVE all things are possible, I HAVE ASKED for it to come, I AM ENJOYING my journey along the way so much, that it doesn’t really matter if it comes at all, I KNOW I’ve been aligning my energy to receive it, I TRUST it will find its way to me … and … here it is again.Thank You 🙂 ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
INSTEAD OF REQUIRING A COMMITMENT … I just decided to Love.INSTEAD OF NEEDING THINGS TO TURN OUT A PARTICULAR WAY … I just decided to Live.INSTEAD OF TAKING IT ALL SO SERIOUSLY … I just decided to LaughINSTEAD OF TRYING TO BE SO PERFECT … I just decided to go for … Adventure … Excitement … Experience … Faith … Alignment … Magic … and lots of Fun.Life is meant to be EnJoyed ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
If you KNEW the real motivation behind other peoples behaviour, you would never doubt them or have a negative reaction towards them again.Messages from Heaven (thanks Joie) ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
On the opposite side of the darkest problem is the most*BRILLIANT SOLUTION*…Line up with that! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Here’s How I Handle Negative Momentum ~I BLESS the conflict. I CONTEMPLATE the potential benefits. I TELL MYSELF it’s only temporary and will pass soon. I REMEMBER how things have worked out so well before. I’M TRUTHFUL about how I’m feeling in the moment. I ASK for what I “really” want, and trust that it’ll be done, one way or another. I AFFIRM “My life is expanding, and I’m going with it!” I STAY FAITHFUL to what feels right for me. I ALLOW OTHERS THE SPACE to discover their own truth. I STAND FIRM IN THE KNOWING of who they really are at their core. I STAND PROUD & STRONG IN THE KNOWING of who “I” am in my heart. THEN I GIVE IT ALL TO THE UNIVERSE and get on with living, loving and laughing as much as I possibly can. There’s so much relief in doing that! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
My Soul Is Calling Meto remember I have everything I need right nowto know that I am enoughto believe I am worth itto trust the power of my deepest desiresto feel my guidance and not second guess itto move forward when inspiration propels me thereto have faith in the love we all are at our coreto say YES to what I really wantto allow even better things to unfoldto be true to myselfto know when I’m aligned and be perfectly ok when I am notto relax and float gently along with the current of pleasurable, comforting, ease and abundance … and just enjoy the ride. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
As quite a few of us are getting into the swing of playing “This Month I’m LETTING GO”, it reminded me that it’s much more sustainable if we find something to HOLD ON TO as well.If we want to let go a few kilos – hold on to getting fitter or stronger.If we want to let go something that’s been a struggle – hold on to ease or peace.If we want to let go negative thoughts – hold on to quietening the mind for a while.If we want to let go a relationship – well, just read the poem below …DON’T JUST TRY TO LET GO … say hello, to something improved, something more than before, something shiny and new … because that’s what the Universe is lining up for you!Letting go, is giving your attention to the past. Focusing forward, ensures the transformation will last! Talk endlessly about what you really want now, think about “why”, but, forget the “how”.Our task is to ask, then trust we’ll be inspired, to the actions that harmonize, with our most important core desires.We were all born with guidance; knowing when something feels right, if it’s been more like a struggle, you’re ready to give up the fight. What causes the suffering is when you close down your heart, if you’ve been holding someone at fault, don’t tear yourself apart … … you see your own inner being loves this person just as they be, and that’s the conflict right there, if you disagree.Relationships are eternal, they weren’t meant to end, in fact, we really can’t break them, we can only pretend … … that the other has wronged us in ways unforgivable, set yourself free; do those things again that made life together, so joyously liveable. Remember the Love you happily gave right at the start? That was really a gift to yourself … so just re-open your heart! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
When I was going through some contrast a few months back, these words soothed me, brought me stability and kept me focused on the thought that “Improvement Is Natural”. I also used the poster as my desktop wallpaper so when I turned on my laptop, this gentle message was always there to greet me. ~ ERSOOTHING WORDS TO SAY TO YOURSELF … I’m on my path and everything’s alright! Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
THANKING THE UNIVERSE for what you’ve been given, is such an empowering process (feel free to add to or rewrite the words to suit you).I love money … and I like how you keep showing me interesting, unique and different ways for money to flow.I love my body … and I adore how you keep my blood pumping, my heart beating, my cells regenerating, my hair growing, my eyes seeing, my muscles strengthening, my system thriving.I love relationships … and I really appreciate how you keep matching me with like-minded, funny, easy-going, gorgeous, happy, uplifting people.I love intimacy … and oh my goodness, I’m blown away by the intensely pleasurable sensations I get to experience in conscious communion with others.I love animals … and I’m incredibly happy to be blessed by their company, their beauty, their entertaining presence, their balancing energy, their unconditional acceptance.I love food … and wow, thank you for providing me with so much variety, so many textures, scintillating flavours, such deliciously enjoyable fuel.I love this planet … and I’m in awe of how you keep the sun rising, the rain falling, the plants growing, the soil replenishing, the rivers flowing, the flowers blooming, the birds singing and all of life constantly evolving.I love clarity … and I’m thoroughly delighted to be gifted daily infusions of Pure Energy, Creativity, Passion, Vision and Purpose.I love to focus … and I greatly appreciate how you keep guiding me to thoughts, ideas and actions, that are in harmony with my core Desires.I love alignment …and I really, really like how you keep bringing me evidence of how life works best, in comfortable, humorous and the most delightful ways.Thank You. I Love You. I now know and accept, I AM a Valued and Worthy part of YOU ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Would you like to play “This Month I’m Letting Go” with me?It’s a game inspired by the teachings of Abraham, to help us release the resistant vibration that’s been holding back the things we want, from coming to us easily.HERE’S HOW IT WORKS:1. Whether we would like more money, a house, a relationship, a health cure, a career change, or to fix a specific problem in our lives — we just LET IT GO for the rest of this month.2. We trust that it’s in our vortex — and we simply RELEASE THE URGENCY for the condition to change right now.3. We do our best to move away from that troublesome topic — and GIVE IT TO THE UNIVERSE TO MANAGE for the next few weeks.4. Rather than stressing about, focusing on, trying to find solutions for or strategizing about that particular thing — we decide to enjoy ourselves and BASK IN THE GOOD FEELING WE PREFER TO FEEL instead.5. If we find ourselves thinking about that thing again — we just gently release it for now and PIVOT BACK TO A BETTER FEELING THOUGHT.6 We also acknowledge that we are completely FREE to pick up the problem again next month if we choose to do so — OR NOT!Want to join in?Send a reply message if you’d like to play along and tell me if there’s something I can do to support you in having even more fun with this game. ~ ERP.S. It also made me think about one of my ConfessionsCONFESSION # 70 … ONE DAY I JUST DECIDED TO GIVE UPand I gave up all struggle, I gave up all resistance, I gave up all complaining, I gave up all contradictory thoughts, I gave up all limiting beliefs, I gave up all dis-empowering attitudes, I gave up all need to control, I gave up wanting other peoples approval, permission or understanding & I gave up my incessant need to explain or justify who I am, what I’m doing & where I am at.I NOW ALLOW … things to be easy, to go with the flow, to think well of myself and others, to only repeat beliefs that give each of us freedom to be who we choose to be, to hold attitudes that serve my expansion, to relax more, to trust my feelings to guide me, to be true to myself, to have faith that everything that occurs is leading me home, to an even grander version of love. ~ 500confessions.com Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Whenever I decide to feel HONOURED, APPRECIATED and SUPPORTED … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me.Whenever I decide to feel LOVED, CHERISHED and ADORED … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me.Whenever I decide to feel SUCCESSFUL, PROSPEROUS and FREE … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me.Whenever I decide to feel any way I want, life proves me to be right. We have all been given that power … the power to consciously choose how we want to feel and to deliberately focus our attention in that direction! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
NOTHING NEEDS TO BE THE WAY I CURRENTLY “THINK” IT IS … I can meditate my way into a different state and attract an entirely different outcome. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
WISDOM HAS TAUGHT ME … that it’s best to line up my thoughts, words and actions first, until the momentum becomes unstoppable … then leap. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Success is inevitable. There is more on the way. I am where I am and it’s all OK. At any moment I can be surprised and delighted. I am always being DIVINELY guided. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
I do my best not to worry about anything, I know what ALIGNMENT can do. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
CHANGE BEGINS … with a sense of acceptance, willingness, faithfulness and readiness, to welcome the new. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Each situation can be improved by …CHANGING A THOUGHT from despair to hope. CHANGING WORDS from “I don’t know what to do” to “I’d like to know what to do”. CHANGING FOCUS from discussing the problems to discovering solutions. CHANGING ATTITUDES from “life is hard” to “life presents endless opportunities”. CHANGING BELIEFS from “it’s impossible” to “you never know what might happen”. CHANGING PHYSICAL POSITION from sitting to standing, inaction to action, clenched muscles to a more relaxed state, breathing shallow to breathing deeper. CHANGING A CHOICE from one of giving up an addiction to one of taking on better health. CHANGING LOCATION from being close to what’s activating discomfort to closer to what stimulates peace. CHANGING A DECISION from letting go the old to allowing in the new.Change is a natural part of life. Resistance to change is the root cause of emotional suffering, pain and anguish.I’m growing through the changes, and it’s all good! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
THE BEST GUIDANCE I’ve Ever RECEIVED … has usually come through events that may “seem” at first like tragedies, problems, trauma and unwanted circumstances.So instead of fighting it, I surrender, step aside and watch the miracles unfold, as God takes divine care of the things that were never my job to try and control in the first place. ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
Nothing needs to be fixed. Everything is unfolding perfectly. I can take it easy now. Things are always working out for me.Improvement is natural. Well-being is natural. Abundance is natural. Alignment is natural too.I can relax in this moment and feel the ease. I am secure.The universe has my back. I’m being guided every step of the way. I’ll feel an impulse when it’s time to act.I accept my goodness. I value my worthiness. I cherish my innate perfection. I embrace my wholeness.Source adores me. I adore me. Peace abounds. Bliss is sublime. Welcoming in More fun, More freedom, More finances, More flow, Feeling soothed, comforted and encouraged no matter where I go.When I connect to the peace inside, All is truly well in my world. Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS
There’s nothing wrong with addictions. Just choose what it is you want to be addicted to – something soul destroying or something life enhancing! ~ ER Elizabeth Richardson - AUTHOR OF 500 CONFESSIONS